Faculty of International Law
Cập nhật lúc 10:15, 26/02/2023 (GMT+7)

1. Introduction

The Faculty of International Law is among the first academic faculties to be established since the University of Law was founded. The development of the Faculty comes with the development of the University of Law over the years, from the previous time being under the University of Hanoi and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities to being the current University of Law under the Vietnam National University, Hanoi today. The Faculty of International Law currently has 12 permanent lecturers, including: 02 A.Prof.; 07 Dr.; 02 Master’s graduate students who are pursuing a PhD degree. Most of the lecturers at the Faculty have completed academic programs abroad. In addition, the Faculty of Business Law also has more than 30 lecturers who are regular collaborators currently working at local legal education institutions, research institutes and state agencies. The Faculty of Business Law gathers experienced lecturers, scientists with high professional qualifications and reputation in teaching and scientific research. In the academic year 2014-2015, the Faculty of International Law also had 04 part-time lecturers and 20 lecturers who are regular collaborators. These part-time lecturers, collaborators of the Faculty are teachers, scientists, managers and practical experts with rich experience, high professional qualifications and scientific reputation from various universities, institutes, departments, branches of state agencies, central and local organizations such as Hanoi Law University, Foreign Trade University, Academy of Public Administration, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, Judicial Academy, Academy of Social Sciences, Government Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Trade, etc.

2. Subjects (Undergraduate and graduate programs)

The Faculty of International Law, University of Law, VNU is the first education institution in Vietnam that teaches international law for all three academic levels: Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD degrees. Since the introduction of the credit system, the Faculty has been in charge of the main subjects of the Bachelor’s degree programs in Legal Studies and Business Law including Public International Law, Private International Law, International Commercial Law, International Economic Law, Law of the Sea, International Maritime Law, Settlement of Economic and Commercial Disputes Involving Foreign Elements, International Human Rights Law, etc. In addition to the above two programs, the University of Law is currently initiating a new program in the field of expertise of the Faculty of International Law: The Bachelor’s degree program in International Commercial Law.

At the graduate level, the Faculty is currently in charge of the academic aspect of the Master's and PhD degree programs in International, which are among the best programs in Vietnam in terms of tradition, scale and reputation. Especially since 2003, the Faculty of International Law has been the first and only institution in Vietnam to organize the pilot Master’s degree program in Law of the Sea - Maritime Management successfully. The official program is expected to open to students for enrollment from October 2015. Besides local academic programs, since 2001 the lecturers of the Faculty of International Law have also directly participated in the implementation of the Master's degree program in "International Economic Cooperation and Business Law". This is an international collaborative degree program by the University of Law and some universities from the French Republic and the Francophone Universities Agency (AUF); students who graduated from this program have been Vietnamese students, and a large percentage of students coming from Europe, Asia and Africa.

3. Main research areas

Research and education programs, activities of the Faculty of International Law aim to provide students with fundamental legal knowledge, in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of international law so that they have the knowledge and skills in detecting and solving problems related to international law, thereby having the capacity to research, consult, evaluate and participate in the process of making, developing and implementing policies and law on foreign affairs, capacity to provide consultancy and perform international economic and trade transactions in practice. After graduating from academic programs and courses at the Faculty of International Law, VNU University of Law, students can apply the acquired knowledge and skills to take on various positions: teaching and researching in higher education institutions, or doing practical work in ministries, departments and branches of the State apparatus related to foreign affairs, international law, or working for international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in Vietnam or abroad, or consulting, managing and running the business for organizations and enterprises in the private sector in Vietnam in international economic, trade, investment and civil fields.

Considering the strategic mission of protecting national sovereignty, the need for the country to open doors and promote international integration, the general development orientation of the University of Law towards becoming a Law University under VNU, the Faculty of International Law will continue to receive constant attention and investment to develop in terms of scale, missions and quality of resources to contribute to the overall development of VNU University of Law as one of the most prestigious legal education institutions in Vietnam, and step by step become more integrated regionally and internationally. 


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